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Our 12-month discipleship program aims to be more than just another program. We desire to provide an environment in which our participants feel like they belong to a spiritual family that will help guide them and teach them about the power of deliverance through Jesus Christ.


What We Do:


Bondage Breakers Outreach Ministries is a place of healing for anyone who struggles with addiction, alcoholism, depression, anxiety, anger, or any other life-controlling issue. 


Throughout the time a client is enrolled with us, they will be involved in Bible Education, Church services,  work ethics training, and spiritual counseling with a spiritual leader.


Mission Statement

"To set the captives free from any life-controlling issue through the power of God's Word and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ."

Oppurtunities Available:

  • Free treatment for 12-Months 


  • Leadership potential

    • At 6 Months in the program, you become eligible to become a dorm leader. With this position you begin to start taking leadership responsibilities such as checking chores, enforcing guidelines, and mentorship fundamentals.

    • At 9 Months in the program, you become eligible to become an intern with the program. During this time in your program, you will make $100.00, given to you once weekly. You will be taught financial responsibility and the importance of tithing principals. At this point in the program, the client should begin making a bank account and the next step in their life, whether it be with us or on their own. Either way decided, the client will receive our counsel and guidance.

    • At 12 Months in the program, and upon your graduation, you can choose to move in to our sober living transitional home, become a staff member with us here and live within the grounds, or you can attempt a life in the world with the tools you learned with us.

    • While some graduates will be offered staff positions, due to the volume of people completing the program, no guarantee for employment will be made. 

    • Anyone who graduates the program is guaranteed a bed in the sober living transition home, if they so wish.


  • We are now offering the Hepatitis-C treatment to anyone who reaches the 9-Month mark in their program, totally free of cost to them. This treatment is a cure for Hepatitis-C and has great potential to lengthen the life of the one who was infected.


  • While our clients are enrolled with us here at Bondage Breakers Outreach Ministries, we make sure we utilize their gift. From Carpentry to Music, we have something to fit everyone. This will inspire the participant to find their identity in Christ through their passions and gifts.




JOHN 4:23-24

"An hour is coming, and now is here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. 


God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship him in Spirit and in truth."

Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum has been designed to strategically attack all the underlying, hidden issues within an individual that only can be found through that personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The goal of our curriculum is to set this foundation in the lives of our participants.  


Romans 12:2


     "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be                       transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will 

       be able to test and approve what God's good and perfect

       will is."

  1. Salvation

  2. Prayer, Praise, and Worship

  3. Rebellion

  4. Forgiveness

  5. Soul Ties and Lust

  6. Spiritual Gifts

  7. Spiritual Identity

  8. Intercession

  9. Leadership

Daily Schedule (Men's Campus)


  • 6:00 Wake up time

  • 7:00 Shower, prepare for day

  • 8:00 Praise and Worship, then morning devotional with Pastor Jeff

  • 9:15 Breakfast

  • 10:00 Curriculum time

  • 12:00 Lunch

  • 1:00 Work Detail

  • 5:00 Dinner

  • 6:00 Study hall

  • 7:00 Nightly Devotional

  • 10:00 Lights out


  • Fundraiser events, held at stores throughout the east coast. We hold these events to fund the ministry and to fulfill the vision of Christ for us to go in to the lost and dying world and give our testimonies so that someone else may be saved.


  • Day off. Church at 10:00. 

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